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Deployed wrappers are identified using custom URIs (Uniform Resource Identifier) called WRAP URIs. For example:


WRAP URIs follow the WRAP URI Standard.

WRAP URIs have 3 parts: a protocol, an authority, and a path.


WRAP URIs use the wrap scheme. Including wrap:// in your URI is optional in practice.


The Authority is used to denote which underlying protocol/standard the URI is part of. Usually, during URI resolution, the Polywrap Client will have at least one URI Resolver for each Authority used.

For example:

  • ens/ for resolving ENS domains
  • ipfs/ for resolving IPFS content
  • fs/ for resolving content on the local filesystem
  • http/ for resolving content via HTTP


This is simply everything that comes after the Authority, and defines the unique resource we are trying to resolve.

For example:

  • api.domain.eth for an ENS domain
  • QmaLbZnnnHbcRRo3wNBQ2MhugmBGL9R2YYeBvj6Nk2QumP for an IPFS file/directory
  • ./build for a local directory
  • for a Wrap downloadable over HTTP

ens/ and ipfs/ URI resolution is supported in all Polywrap clients by default. Adding custom URI resolvers is possible. More documentation on how to do this will be released soon.